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Soil analysis and management: final report

I have finally completed the report following my travels, visiting farmers, advisers and researchers in the USA, Denmark and Switzerland....

Monitoring soil organic matter

NRM Carbon Check soil analysis service NRM is now offering a new Carbon check soil analysis service

To plough, or not to plough?

Soil cultivations: ploughing, non-inversion tillage and soil quality Ploughing has received bad press in organic farming circles due to...

Do you analyse your soil?

I was shocked to hear our Soil Association inspector tell me recently that less than 20% of farms provided soil analysis results at...

Soil and health

Soil Health “The health of soil, plant, animal and human is one and invisible”. That is a very profound statement, indeed in a world...

Do you analyse your soils regularly?

I was shocked to hear our Soil Association inspector tell me recently that less than 20% of farms provided soil analysis results at...

Managing a living soil

Soil Farmer of the Year 2018: Simon Cowell Half a day with Simon recently showed me a level of understanding of soil and its management...

Soil and Sustainable Development Goals In 2015, the UN formulated seventeen global Sustainable Development...

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